Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Yesterday was a day from Hell at work. A board op played some bumper music that had the F Word and didn't hit the dump button as he had the monitor turned down. It is now a 300,000.00 fine for each incident. Needless to say it was a day of panic, trying to contact everyone and explain it was an accident and make sure it was not refeed over the stations that rebroadcast. So much for our free speech rights, okay to say it on Satellite Radio, and in the grocery store, on TV, but an accident can put small radio stations and syndicators out of business!


Chicken said...

That is such crap!! Sorry to hear you had a bad day and I hope this one is better.

... said...

That sucks...I heard on the news that the FCC was going back through a bunch of audio from sporting events or something and if someone swore in the audience and the ambient mikes picked it up and it was broadcasted, they were going to ding the networks for it...that is just lame...because no matter how much delay you put on a game, you can't regulate the audience unless you already know something is going to be said (like in a fight or something).