Friday, August 18, 2006

WeightWatcherdom or Doom

I weighed in. Took all my measurements and had a Smart One for breakfast. I have officially started my weight loss program. My goal is to replace every article of clothing I own! New undies, bra's and of course clothes! clothes! clothes! I am going to turn into a semi-foo foo girl too! Maybe have a manicure once in awhile. Perhaps a facial and a wax job, who knows, the world is my oyster - OOPS, I don't think I can eat those anymore....


Chicken said...

Good job Mom!! We can go shopping together!!

Mind Sprite said...

Congratulations, Ha Ha! I'm sure you're going to do great. The program is pretty easy to follow and we're all here to support you :)

... said...

Hey, I want to go shopping too...if I can ever lose some weight...hee hee.

Good to hear that you started Mom, I am so proud of you.

Haha said...

Thank you for your support and maybe the three of us can have some lunch and a shopping expediation next time Mishka and HaHa are in town. I should be a rail by then.LOL